Real Life Hot Wheels Breaks World Record

Remember when you were little and you played with Hot Wheels? Didn’t you ever think that it would be cool if there were a life size version? Something where you were the driver and your car was doing the loop with a grand finale of jumping through a fire ring while your teen idol heart throb girlfriend, Alyssa Milano, was waiting to give you a nice big kiss after you completed your daredevil run?

So maybe that was mine. Maybe yours was a bit different. Yet, as little boys, we all thought it would be sweet if we could drive real life Hot Wheels cars and pull off the stunts we created in our bedroom. Well look what bounty the internet has brought us my friends. This will make you feel like you are eight years old all over again. This is a bonafide life size Hot Wheels car on a life size orange Hot Wheels track.

I just made your heart beat a little faster didn’t I? That’s okay, I promise no one will be passing judgment on you over here. I love this kind of stuff! This guy goes screaming down the track and makes a flying hail Mary leap into the air. He lands a bit left and low, but pulls it off like a pro, complete with a skid stop finish! (more…)

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My cars never did that. They were lucky to make it through my first run in one piece. Maybe it was because my Hot Wheels track had dangers present, like live firecrackers, and stu
