Fear No Snow with an Apache

Winter brings snow. While most folks will try to stay indoors and wait it out until spring time, sometimes an outdoor enthusiast just has to find a way. Deep snowdrifts are an almost impossible feat to carve through with an all terrain vehicle. While a lot of companies have tried to capitalize on turning a normal axle setup into a tracked vehicle – success rates have varied greatly.

But one thing is for sure – a great snow track system is the best way to get an ATV out through the winter snow. Deep snowdrifts are an almost impossible feat to carve through with an all terrain vehicle. Often too soft, too wet, and too light – the heavy wheels of a normal Can-Am 800 or Kawasaki Brute Force 750i will just sort of flounder. Thank goodness for the Apache tracked system.

The Can-Am 800 is already a fantastic all terrain vehicle rig. Taking it to the next level is the Apache tracked system. While the kit sold through Can-Am suppliers often requires a separate mounting kit to install, it’s a worthwhile investment for those living in cold weather environments. One of the great features is actually the ground clearance. (more…)

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As good as the tracks are on the Can-Am’s 799 cc engine, it’s about getting above the snow and staying there. The best part? Converting to the track set should only take abo
