50 Awesome Used School Bus Conversions
Logs Aren’t The Only Thing That Got Chopped

Take a good look at this used school bus modification. It takes a minute to sink in, but once it does the result is pure magic. This is not simply a school bus with the back half chopped off and replaced with a welded log harness. That’s close, but not quite the case. No, this school bus was modified by completely removing about two thirds of the rear of the bus. If you look closely, you can see that the long wheelbase was kept intact and the log harness was simply attached to it. That’s about as easy as it comes with school bus modifications. The only real issue you have to contend with is sealing up the back part of the cabin which is easily accomplished with some sheet-metal and a skilled welding torch. Imagine the look she would get going down the street with this one? It would be worth the modification just to see those heads turn. Plus, it would come in handy if you have a lot of forest to clear or other large loads to haul. Quick and easy, this would make for a great first-time bus mod project.