50 Awesome Used School Bus Conversions
That’ll Fire The Kids Up
My ride to school was never this cool for me. If my bus was tricked out like this sucker, I would’ve gone to school every day… riding the bus! Check out the explosion in the rear. This beast is outfitted with a flamethrower that spews quite an impressive amount of fire. The shots of the bus from the front shows how well insulated and suited up the driver is. That type of preparation is key if you’re driving something that is essentially a combustible time bomb. We’re not saying that you should do this to your own school bus, but if you do then we would like to be there to film the event, or demise. Either way, it makes no difference to us. Regardless, this yellow school bus with red flames is one phenomenal example of what happens when you turn an old rust bucket into a flame throwing monster.