50 Awesome Used School Bus Conversions
Beach Bus

Ever considered buying a used school bus and converting it into a gnarly beachcomber? Probably not, but it’s actually easier than you might think. A simple suspension lift kit, oversized tires, and a new set of axles along with a steering kit are all the components necessary to turn your used school bus into this beach brawler. Of course, you will have to take a bit of time to carve out the metal fenders to make room for those oversized tires, but that’s the fun part. Once you do, you can elevate your bus to true all-terrain status. You will still haul students, make no mistake about it. Except the students will be heading to the beach on Spring Break rather than the classroom. Kudos to this individual for the epic build. Take a look at the decals and check out those sites for components used to create this build. You can have your school bus up and running in time to catch that epic sunset!